I'm so indispensable in my house
- Arricchiscono and the interior of the caratter, color and heat and make the house special.
The following information is provided as follows:

• What is the good thing for me?

• Come mi prendo cura del myo tapeto?

wallpapers BeyondKnots

Internal and attrezzature

This is a new tapestry that allows you to change the cause of the number of variants and options. BeyondKnots can offer you the perfect carpet for your home. This is very important and it's a tapestry that you'll enjoy. Do you see a part of the tendency or a tapestry that is perfectly integrated into the arrest?

The two main fattori are considered when looking at a tappeto:

size , matter e processing .  



The dimensions of a tape can be adjusted to the dynamics of a position. Tuttavia, deciderere the good dimension of the tapeto può essere complicated . Are you able to control the position of the tape in a single room? This means it is easy to implement: the regulation of 4-2-0. The two and four mobile devices are placed on the floor and are guaranteed to be equilibrium in the soggiorno or in the rear or in the same position.

Living room

tappeti per soggiorno

0: Questa disposizione posiziona il tappeto sotto il tavolino al centro della stanza. Questo tipo di disposizione è ideal per zone molto compatte, in quanto the fanno apparire a po' più spaziose. Ideally, you should leave every centimetre between the carpet and the sofa: this will always make your space as comfortable as possible.

2: In this style, the front of the divan, the poltrona or the tavolino poggia sul tapeto mentre the gambe posteriori sono sul pavimento. Questa opzione è ideal quando divani e poltrone hanno the space of the wall and offer the opportunity to create the illusion of two spacious rooms.

4: The gambe dei mobili should be positioned on the tape to create an area of ​​perfect chiaramente. Questo stile funziona meglio in spazi aperti or spazi abitativi più ampi. The richness of a large tapestry: the size is large and the length of the contents of the furniture on the table, with a height of 20 cm on the retro mobile phone and the border of the tapestry.


Tappeti della camera da letto

0: In this variant, the guide is also positioned to enter the letto. Ideally, you should ensure that the carpets of the Stessa are long enough for the bed. Nota che this look funziona solo se il tuo letto è al centro della tua stanza, poiché the space of the pavimento su entrambi i lati del letto dovrebbe essere uguale.

2: Questa disposizione position il tapeto sotto the gambe anteriori of the letto. If you have the same name in the back, it is the same in the anterior part/piedi del letto. The spa area is in the same position as the bed, not the only esthetic grade, but also practical!

4 : Questa disposizione posiziona il tapeto sotto l'intero letto with bordi sporgenti su entrambi i lati. The point of focus of the room and porta un equilibrium sensory and calm in the night zone.

Suggerimento: decide on the dimensions of the tape in the position of this year or attach the dimensions of the future tape to the area of ​​the pre-existing pavement. 


These different materials can be used for different purposes when purchasing a tapestry. Quindi, come the sapere quality materiale è il migliore per te? Consider the tapestry to suit the unique style of life (including animals, domestic animals, children) and all the ambience in a very practical way (including calpestio, possibilità di sports and macchie). The punch can be used as a kitchen or in a corridor that requires carpets that repellent all the sporco and durevoli.


The material is the same material for the carpets in quantities that are extremely resistant and durable with a base of morbidity and accompaniment. La lana si ottiene attraverso the tosatura delicata delle pecore. It is a material that is prima rinnovabile and naturale con proprietà impressionanti: the tapestry of the grass is so easy to cure and resistant to the natural content of the grass. The superficie is naturally resistant to all the sporco, all macchie and ai liquidi and can easily be pulled with a spugna or a panno umido. Inoltre, the lana offers an excellent thermal insulation, has an effective regulation of the climate abitativo and attutisce the noise.

Ideal for: soggiorno, sala da pranzo, aree ad alto traffico


The tapes of the set are so quiet, very morbid, lucid and relatively resistant. Fatta a mano dai bozzoli del filatore di seta, the seta è considerata il materiale più lussuososo brilliance. If the set is extremely long, it is possible to produce a small amount of water that is also resistant to straps that are not long enough to remove the weight. The material is so small that it can be used for every part of the tapestries with small pictures, with motifs that are very fine and detailed. For this reason, the heart of the world is also announced in a pure way.

Ideal for: camere da letto, zone poco trafficate


The seta di bambù, nota also come viscose, is a natural product made from the stones of bambù grezzi. The cellulosa appears in the form of a pianta and is transformed into a pasta appiccicosa. Dopo l'estrazione, the cellulosa is as thick as possible. Dopo l'asciugatura viene espulso e diventa un filato morbido e setoso. A fiber that allows you to breathe comes from the cotton and creates a feeling of freshness. The set of bamboo assomiglia alla vera seta in terms of lucentezza and morbidezza and can be perfectly combined with the lana to create splendid accents. Molti of the nostri tapestries are also realized with a resistant miscela of wool and viscose.

Ideal for: Zone giorno a traffico moderato, camere da letto or corridoi. Evitare zone ad alta umidità.


The cotton is one of the communities used to realize the tapestries on a tram, like B. Kilim used. The cotton is very popular for the production of carpets with graceful materials, resistant to straps, easy to pull and elastic. The lanugine is in the form of raramente on the carpets of cotton. Inoltre, the cotton is generally more economical than the land or the set. Inoltre, the cotone è particolarmente adatto come tessuto di base resistant per i tappeti.

Ideal for: cucine, camerette, luoghi informali.


The material of the canapa is based on the fabric sotto the corteccia of the piano of the canapa. The fiber of the canopy is strong and extremely robust and resistant. Rispetto al cotone, the pianta di canapa è più rispettosa dell'ambiente da coltivare perché non richiede pesticidi. Thanks to the natural compatibility and robustness of all the properties, the canopy wall is always very popular for the area to be easily used.

Ideal for: soggiorni, aree ad alto traffico


The synthetic materials are spesso similar to the natural materials. I painted acrilici sono altrettanto morbidi, soffici e piacevoli al tatto. The acrylic tapes are so popular that they are also very economical and are made from different materials and are also made of strong and resistant materials. Also ideally for the bag and for the other poiché, they are as quick and resistant to all the muffs.

Ideal for: aree ad alto traffico, bagni, esterni.


Quale processo di production is good for me? 

annodato a mano

The wallpapers are also made by hand with real art, Hanno design and variations in color and illimitate in a very laborious way. The announcements have been made for several years and have been added to the real world. The tapes are also available in a vertical and vertical way and the tapes are of high quality in the market. Maggiore is the number of the node on the tape, very fine and small chiaro is the motif.

trapuntato a mano

I tappeti trapuntati a mano sono realizzati punchzonando and singoli fili attraverso a pannello di tessuto with a "pistol tufting". The creator has a point, the interior tapestry is rovinato, and the tufting is also very impegnative. When the tape is finished, a second fabric is incollato sul retro per tenere i fili in posizione, with the result that the support has a diverse motivation. I have a hand in hand with a high speed for each product, content of materials of high quality and possono more detailed.

tessuto a mano

I tappeti tessuti a mano sono realizzati tessendo lunghi fili di tessuto su telai. The solito sono tessuti piatti e possono essere usati su entrambi i lati se non ricamati su un lato. The production of a tapestry is guaranteed to be a stable source of reddit for each region of the villaggio della region. The machine for the tessera is only used in the housing of the tessitore and also operates exclusively with a manual senza electricità.

filato a mano

I made the tapes manually so that they were made on a machine and processed by 1 to 4 people in the second dimension of the tapestry. On the telaio, the file or the tram takes place at the center of the inferior and superior order. The tessitore quindi compare the tapeto with the bobina and the tram and the ordito vengono intrecciati insieme.

Annodato a machina

I used the machine to create an electronically controlled machine, which is controlled by a computer or a system that can be used to produce a ripple motivation. Spesso presentano schemi extremely precise and solito and highly economici. I filati sono posti in a fabric a maglia sottile and the lattice can be applied to fissare e protecter i filati.


Devo scegliere una tintura naturale or sintetica per il mio tappeto?

natural colors

The tintura of the filo is a real art and creates a unique tapestry. The tintura with coloranti naturali or vegetables is very complicated, costosa and dispenser in terms of time rispetto alla tintura with coloranti chimici. For a rosso brilliante, ad esempio, it is necessary to have a chilogrammo di radice di robbia macinata come colorante per chilogrammo di lana. For an intensely intense color due to the chili di trama di Dye Dye per chilo di lana. Other botanicals used for the tinge of the land include curcuma, foglie di vite, henné, melograno and natural minerals. There is no pena: tingere with natural colors significa che lana di high quality conserva il suo content di naturale grassi. The lana, ink with natural colors and filata a mano, creates motivi affascinanti e unique.

Colorant sintetico

If you use the color of the hair, you will be guaranteed a uniform tint of hair and a few minor variations in the color of the hair.


The devon tapestries are designed with care to preserve the beauty and value. This is how you can get to the bottom of the screen and sano:


Prendi in consideration of the use of a sottostrato protettivo per tenere fermo the tapeto and impedire che si posti. Pensala comes with a protection of the base, protects the floor from unused use, which adds to fattore comfort.

vacuum cleaner

A tappeto spesso does not have until now in the same way that it is more accurately ripened by the powder. Passa l'aspirapolvere regolarmente sul tappeto (una or due volte alla settimana). Qualsiasi sporco or sabbia che non viene aspirato è come carta vetrata che si incastra nel pelo del tapeto e lentamente si fa strada fino all'ordito dove inizia a trascinarsi e ad usurarsi in corrispondenza dei nodi. Attenzione però all frange! The frange is a prolungamento of the fili di ordito and is aspirate troppo spesso rischiano di sfilacciarsi and theneggiare the tappeto.

rimozione delle macchie

The removal of the machine is not necessary. B. The red wine is different from the tappeto. The macchia was created immediately with water flowing. They can be positioned as close as possible to the tappeto to absorb the water in an easy way. If the water does not work, it is used as a liquid sapon (it uses chemical detergent to preserve the natural film protection of the land). Strofina la solution di entrambi gli ingrediantsi sull'area sporca e asciuga l'area con un panno umido.


When you position the furniture on the carpet, you can use the protection on your feet and support the furniture in centimeters or even for a long period of time on the skin of the carpet. The notaries of the ammaccature should be able to use the mobile devices, so that they can reach the outdoor area via the sole in the next few days.


Alcuni tappeti potrebbero initial staccarsi. This means that this is not a sign of a different tape or sequence. The peluria is made in real fiber of the wool in which the sono state is catturated and absorbed by the pelo of the carpet throughout the production when the pelo è state tagliato alla sua oldzza. Questo is a natural process and with a place for the outdoors and passing the aspirapolvere scoprirai che gradualmente si interrompe.

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