Hamadan carpets

Tappeti Hamadan


This Hamadan tape is actually realized in a vast area that surrounds the city of Hamadan in Persia Nordoccidentale Announced a manual with high quality equipment in Iran. The virgin wool has a natural grass content that protects the tape of the usage and is extremely resistant. Porta a casa il tuo stravagante tappeto quotidiano!

The Hamadan tapestry is a true opera of art, realized in the city of Hamadan in Persia. The carpets are also made from traditional designs and use materials of high quality. The production of these tapestries is based on the traditional, medium-sized material of the hand, which makes the tapes unique.

The classic has its own tapestries

I design the Hamadan tapestries with general geometry and present motifs in squares, squares and lines. They are available in various colors and dimensions in different ways and can be perfectly integrated into the home. This is announced in Iran with virgin wool of high quality, which has a natural grass content. Questo protect il tapeto dall'usura and lo rende extremely resistant.

The bellissimo colpo d'occhio per il tuo soggiorno quello dei tuoi discendenti

A Hamadan carpet is not alone, a bella aggiunta a qualified casa, also a tesoro precious which can be transferred to the generation in generation. Invest in a good model, not even pentirai.

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Massima quality, ottimo servicio clienti! Ho trovato il tapeto dei miei sogni su BeyondKnots! Tutto è andato liscio. Dall'ordine, al servicio clienti fino alla consegna! The rice has a beautiful tapestry and high quality. Save my piacere.

Victoria I

Ordinare ed elaborare è state semplicissimo. Great quality and good quality. The tape also has a beautiful picture, which comes in the photo. Semper felice!

Stefano P

Siamo totally entusiasti!! The new tapestry is perfectly suited to the song and is already in the best of previsto! Grazie for the bel consiglio e la consegna veloce!

Anita Richter

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Katrin Theissing