oriental carpet

Oriental carpets

I have oriental tapestries in the same spirit of tradition, history and style. An oriental tapestry is a vera opera d'arte - and it doesn't have the same language. The special workmanship of these carpets creates a beautiful, modern or rustic appearance. The Oriental collection is made from the most popular tapestries and the high quality is perfect for modern arrangements. I have proven tapestry in Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India.

Our new Oriental collection is a vast selection of oriental tapestries in our online business at beyondknots.de, which is also the same tradition, history and high quality. I have oriental tapestries that are unique in their art, but the tapestry is unique and does not appear due to the voltage in its design.

A perfect colpo d'occhio for the tua house with the oriental tapestry.

I fantastic oriental tapestries are participatory in a modern and proven arrangement, from the old days to Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Ottieni l'aspetto rustico dei orientali tapestries nella tua casa e goditi la nobile maestria.

Scopri raffinati oriental carpets are realized with high quality finishes for a rustic finish in your home.

In this case, the noble oriental carpet Farahan Ziegler, which is now known with the highest quality in Pakistan, creates a meraviglioso look vintage. Sperimenterai also the exceptional quality of the oriental tapestry Kazak Ziegler Fine, which is decorated with elements of contemporary design, and the exceptional oriental tapestry Kilim Ghashghai, which is incanterà with suoi natural colors.

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Questo is the name of our trustpilot clients

Massima quality, ottimo servicio clienti! Ho trovato il tapeto dei miei sogni su BeyondKnots! Tutto è andato liscio. Dall'ordine, al servicio clienti fino alla consegna! The rice has a beautiful tapestry and high quality. Save my piacere.

Victoria I

Ordinare ed elaborare è state semplicissimo. Great quality and good quality. The tape also has a beautiful picture, which comes in the photo. Semper felice!

Stefano P

Siamo totally entusiasti!! The new tapestry is perfectly suited to the song and is already in the best of previsto! Grazie for the bel consiglio e la consegna veloce!

Anita Richter

Bellissime fore per cuscino - proprio come le photo! The consegna è stateta rapida - sono completamente soddisfatto. It is not safe to say that I finally acquired the Beyond knots.

Katrin Theissing