Gabbeh Persian carpet Hamburg

Gabbeh tappeti


Tappeto Gabbeh - unique with tradition

This BeyondKnots troverai a meravigliosa selection of tapestries Gabbeh which also states filati and announces a hand with an exceptional quality. Questi tappeti are also noti for the loro design monocromatici with influence minimalist and geometriche which conferiscono loro un'eleganza senza tempo. The Gabbeh tapestries are also famous and have their origins in Iran.

Our Gabbeh tapestries are also available in a variety of styles, including threads and hand-made, with the same hair. The traditional Gabbeh tapestries also have a hand with the ability to create and mix the colors in the same colors as cream, brown and red, and also in the color blue.

I nostri favolosi tappeti Gabbeh

Our online business offers a vast range of Gabbeh tapestries, with the elegant Lori Loom Gabbeh tapestry from Bhadohi, in a beautiful city of India. Questo tapeto si caratterizza per la sua grande colorazione e lucentezza, causata dalla fiber naturale della seta di bambù utilizzata. Other Gabbeh tapestries are extremely resistant and long-lasting in Iran, perfect for frequent visitors in the home or in ufficio. The main structure is the virgin grass of excellent quality.

I tappeti Gabbeh sono un'ottima scelta per chi cerca a tappeto che sia functionale ed esteticamente gradevole. Questi carpetpeti richiedono poca manutenzione and possono essere facilmente puliti, rendendoli and investimento a long appointment che decorerà la tua casa or il ufficio per molti anni a venire. 

Visit the company online at and check out our selection of tapestries Gabbeh. You should make sure that you have the perfect child to accompany you in a beautiful way, just like your home or your home.

Tappeti Gabbeh filati a mano con e senza pavimento.

The riconic and traditional Gabbeh tapestries have a monocromatic design with minimalist and geometric influences. Inoltre, i traditional tapestry Gabbeh also announced in a mano and the solito sono composti in colors similar, come tonalità crema, marrone and rosso.

Scopri i meravigliosi tapestry Gabbeh with design monocromatici and influence geometriche. Our business is online, at, we have a unique selection of artistic tapestries with exceptional quality, which are also presented in a hand with great cura. In another case, the elegant tapestry Lori Loom Gabbeh di Bhadohi, a picture of the city of India, is amazing with such a fantastic combination of colors. Inoltre, lasciatevi incantare dai robusti e durevoli tappeti Gabbeh provenienti dall'Iran, perfetti per the stampe frequentate di frequente in casa or in ufficio.

I tappeti Gabbeh is sono available with or without pavimento, filati or annodati a mano. Sono caratterizzati the design monocromatici with influence minimalist and geometriche. Sono the carpets are very famous. The traditional Gabbeh tapestries are primarily in a variety of colors that include the tones of cream, marrone and rosso. The blue is still very rare.

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Massima quality, ottimo servicio clienti! Ho trovato il tapeto dei miei sogni su BeyondKnots! Tutto è andato liscio. Dall'ordine, al servicio clienti fino alla consegna! The rice has a beautiful tapestry and high quality. Save my piacere.

Victoria I

Ordinare ed elaborare è state semplicissimo. Great quality and good quality. The tape also has a beautiful picture, which comes in the photo. Semper felice!

Stefano P

Siamo totally entusiasti!! The new tapestry is perfectly suited to the song and is already in the best of previsto! Grazie for the bel consiglio e la consegna veloce!

Anita Richter

Bellissime fore per cuscino - proprio come le photo! The consegna è stateta rapida - sono completamente soddisfatto. It is not safe to say that I finally acquired the Beyond knots.

Katrin Theissing