Loribaft carpets

Tappeti Loribaft


Tappeti Loribaft: cultura living unica con tradition

The Loribaft tapestry, produced in the Fars province of Iran, is one of the modern Persian tapestries and is a symbol of the spicco of the genere of the "Gabbeh tapestries". The Tappeti Gabbeh is proven on the Persia meridionale, the Tappeti Loribaft is considered the premium model of the Gabbeh. The traditional names of Hanno were realized in the same way as they were in the past, but they were also realized in the same way.

Rispetto ai classici Persian tapestries, the Loribaft tapestry is characterized by these modern motifs and the use of the luminous fabric. I designed the Loribaft tapestries to continue to style and recreate elements of the traditional Persian tapestries.

The Loribaft carpet is available in a variety of colors, with tones of natural and red Loribaft, one of the colors of the Persian carpet, eaten by the community, which comes in green and blue. The Loribaft is available in a variety of different tonalities in red, but the tonalities are natural and preserved. The color of the marrone is also used in the production of the Loribaft carpets. The color of a vero Persian tapestry also has a variety of opprimenti or sgargianti, it is easy to combine a Loribaft tapestry with different colors of the mobile and the styles of the interior.

Tappeti Loribaft - gli tappeti nomadi dall'Oriente

I tappeti Gabbeh Loribaft della nostra gamma sono una variant più raffinata del tappeto Gabbeh and sono annodati a mano nel south-ovest della Persia. Questi tapestries also caratterizzati the motifs geometrici in high intensity of color and monochromatic design and sono principalmente mantenuti in a range of colors: red, cream, marrone and gold. Occasionally it is also smoked blue.

A second time from the angle of preservation, the hair of the carpet Lori is also visible in the tonal tone of the hair and the scar. Questo perché the filato del pelo scorre trasversalmente alla longitudinale direction, rendendo i colors più brillianti e rendendo il tapeto più resistant allo sporco.

Check out our collection of Loribaft tapestries on BeyondKnots and the stunning beauty and quality of these Persian tapestries are always available.

This means that the Loribaft tapestries are unique?

I have a very famous tapestries in Iran and Gabbeh tapestries. Traditionally, these are the names of the Ghashghai Tribù in the province of Fars. In origin, the morbid tapestries served a little as the rivestimento del pavimento e come materassino. The Loribaft tapestries also appear on the Gabbeh tapestries, with a high level of lively quality with extremely fine and extremely light fittings. Tradotto in tedesco, Loribaft significa "annodato dalla tribù Lori".

Come with the classic Gabbeh, the Persian Loribaft tapestry is intrecciati due to the diversity and legacy with the traditional nodo Senneh. Rispetto al Normal buon Tappeto Gabbeh, tuttavia, the announcement of the Tappeti Loribaft è fine a cinque voltage più fine and richiede fino a sei volte più tempo. Mentre i tapeti Gabbeh Loribaft molto grossolani sono spesso inferiori a 70.000 nodi per metro square, a Loribaft with a nodo molto fine raggiunge i 250.000 nodi e oltre.

The Loribaft tapestries can be used on its own with high-quality products made by hand. Also for the giro and the ordito vengono spesso utilizzate pura lana virgine or cotone di high quality. The natural colors of the piano guarantee a beautiful, natural tone. The Indian producers have created elegant Persian models in a very excellent and alternative way with a very interesting design. Also in the Indian language they have high quality and morbidity and are extremely robust and resistant.

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Massima quality, ottimo servicio clienti! Ho trovato il tapeto dei miei sogni su BeyondKnots! Tutto è andato liscio. Dall'ordine, al servicio clienti fino alla consegna! The rice has a beautiful tapestry and high quality. Save my piacere.

Victoria I

Ordinare ed elaborare è state semplicissimo. Great quality and good quality. The tape also has a beautiful picture, which comes in the photo. Semper felice!

Stefano P

Siamo totally entusiasti!! The new tapestry is perfectly suited to the song and is already in the best of previsto! Grazie for the bel consiglio e la consegna veloce!

Anita Richter

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Katrin Theissing